Health is being compare into metabolic efficiency and inefficiency. Nobody is perfectly healthy and everybody is a combination of health and sickness according to their unique abilities and disabilities including both physical and emotional.
2.Why is health important?
Based on this article, the author is saying that health is important because "health is money". Many people think money is the most important thing in their life instead of "health". The author also mentioned that "You are what you eat" and "health is everything". Without health, you will not be able to achieve your goals or dreams. Also, you cannot contribute to the society. Adults or kids are not the only one who should concern about health, everybody in different ages should being aware about health because it helps us all to function in daily life. In addition to that, "health enables us to enjoy life". If we do not take care of ourselves, we will end up suffering.
3.In what standards does it consider healthy?
A good health means you keep the balance of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements. In order to form a strong, healthy person, the 4 elements have to interact with each other. Without anyone of them, it will result as imbalanced. Therefore, you are not healthy.
4. What does it means when someone said you are "emotionally healthy" ?
"If you are emotionally healthy you will have ways of dealing with and overcoming depression, anxiety, chronic pain, loneliness and grief. Emotional health can best be described as a state where you are in control of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. You feel good about yourself and your relationships and can keep problems in perspective. Emotionally healthy people can still have emotional problems and mental illness, but they have learned of ways to cope with stress and problems and know when to seek help from their doctor or counsellor. "
5.Why is it important to be healthy?
"Being healthy is the most important thing you can do for yourself and your family. Your health should be a top priority no matter what else is going on in your life. Its not hard to take care of yourself, but it does require some dedication. " Another reason is that you can be there when your family needs you such as children and other members in your family who might not be able to do it themselves.
6. Why does physical health means?
"Physical fitness refers to good body health, and is the result of regular exercise, proper diet and nutrition, and proper rest for physical recovery. A strong indicator of the health of localized population is their height or weight, which generally increases with improved nutrition and health care. This is also influenced by the standard of living and quality of life."
7. What is the definition of spiritual health?
"Spirituality is having meaning & direction in life. It involves development of positive morals, ethics & values. Being healthy spiritually helps us to demonstrate love, hope & a sense of caring for yourself and others."

"A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important for the prevention of much chronic disease such as: obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts all of the food groups, including an adequate amount of water. Nutrients can be obtained from many different food, thus a healthy diet may vary widely."
9. What is the definition of "mental health"?
"1. A state of emotional and psychological well-being in which an individual is able to use his or her cognitive and emotional capabilities, function in society, and meet the ordinary demands of everyday life.
2. A branch of medicine that deals with the achievement and maintenance of psychological well-being.
3. A person's overall emotional and psychological condition."
2. A branch of medicine that deals with the achievement and maintenance of psychological well-being.
3. A person's overall emotional and psychological condition."
10. What is the definition for "unhealthy"?
"Not in a state of good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition."
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